How Chiropractic can help calm your nervous system
Chiropractic care can be a very effective tool for processing stress. Adjustments help to bring the body out of fight flight or a sympathetic state into a more calm or parasympathetic state. It can help to regulate the vagus nerve which can decrease anxiety and help with mood stabilization. Many of our patients use wellness care as a tool to help process the many stressors they encounter in daily life. We have seen improvements in anxiety, depression and sleep regulation when people get regular chiropractic care.
When your nervous system is free from spinal interference, your body can adapt to its environment more easily and help you heal naturally.
Where does this interference come from? The average person living in our society today has many stressors. In the last 100 years, we have become exposed to way more chemicals than ever before, we are sitting more, exercising less, and we are exposed to a high amount of low level stresses (too much screen time, financial debts, and being isolated). All of these stressors affect our physical body and cause interference in our nerve system. Until we can all live like yogis, eating a simple diet, exercising everyday and meditating often, regular chiropractic care helps to process the everyday stresses of our modern society.
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