The Texas Chiropractic Board has included Wellness Care as an Essential Service. So what makes Chiropractic Wellness Care essential?
First and foremost Chiropractic is about allowing the Nervous System, and therefore the rest of the body, to function at its best. The adjustment clears the path for the highest version of you to be expressed. This is true from your musculature to your mood, if your Nervous System is at its best EVERY part of you is at its best.
There is a common misconception when it comes to the purpose of Chiropractic Wellness Care. The false belief is that you are receiving this type of care to avoid something, to avoid symptoms such as pain or sickness. That admittedly does not sound essential, but rather sounds like a luxury. This is because a perspective like this is not a reality, it’s a myth.
No-one is meant to live without struggle, a rough time now and again or occasionally becoming overwhelmed by the stress in our personal world. This is a part of being a human, and to avoid this would be to miss out on our greatest ability and experience. The ability is to adapt, and the experience is to grow from that adaptation.
To live without symptoms is neither realistic nor healthy for that matter. Symptoms are an integral part of our body’s communication systems. Pain is a part of us just as much as Joy. It is through the Nervous System that all of these experiences are communicated to us. Our body lets us know what in our life and environment do/do not work toward our greatest good. Our response to these communications dictate the adaptations and growth in our life.
Chiropractic Wellness Care isn’t about AVOIDING symptoms, it’s about ADDRESSING them. It’s about meeting any challenge head on with a fully functional Nervous System and therefore the best chance to understand these challenges. More importantly, it’s about ADDRESSING the circumstances that caused your body to create the symptoms in the first place.
We are not meant to live without symptoms, we are meant to respond to them.
That is what it truly means to live Well.
Dr. Maninder Atwall
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