Young children are constantly integrating physical stresses in the body. This starts first and foremost with the birthing process and continues through the learning process of crawling, walking and moving. It is possible for these events to cause minor misalignments in your child’s spine. Just think how often children trip, fall, then get right back up again! Even though this is totally natural and should be encouraged, minor misalignments in the spine have been linked to problems with breast feeding, difficulty sleeping and even colic. The more we can correct these small misalignments, the more easily your child can integrate his learning experiences and accelerate his development.
During the first 6 years of life, a child develops more than at any other time in their entire life. One of the main ways that a child develops is through sensory perception, meaning touch and movement. The more physical movement a child experiences in the early years, the faster the child can integrate its environment. Chiropractic promotes healthy movement of all joints in the body and therefore helps kids integrate sensory perception more readily. Being able to process sensory information is what keeps your brain functioning at the highest level possible. When your brain functions well, you have more potential!
Because your brain is the master system of your body, a clear nerve system brings all body systems into balance. Chiropractic has been used to treat immune system deficiencies, colic symptoms, asthma, ear infections, bed wetting, and even allergies. I started to going to a chiropractor at the age of 5 for chronic ear infections and have gotten care ever since!
Laine Morales DC
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