As a chiropractor, I have learned to trust and respect the human body. It has more wisdom stored in its billions of years of evolution than we can ever hope to comprehend in our hundreds of years of studying it. Everything that your body does is for a good reason and is a perfect adaptation to how we interact with our environment. Some say that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. So if you really listen to what your body is trying to tell you, you will find a closer connection to your spiritual health.
Symptoms are a perfect example of how our body communicates with us. At first the symptoms can be very mild; I feel more tired, I have more aches and pains, I am so stressed out, I am having difficulty sleeping, I am unhappy. This is the best time to look at the symptom and find out why it is showing up in our lives. Is there something in our lifestyle that is incongruent; are we following our purpose in life; are we making enough time to take care of ourselves? If not, listening to our body is a perfect way to make small shifts toward a healthier lifestyle. This can be a daily practice. It helps us become more aware of ourselves and the effect every choice has on us.
Once symptoms become very loud or incapacitating, many people see them as a nuisance and have no idea where they came from. They see themselves as a victim of their old body breaking down, which makes them powerless to do anything. A more important question to ask is “what is my body trying to tell me?” And if you really listen, you will find the answer. Maybe this terrible symptom is here for you to grow spiritually, for you to really value other things in your life that you have been taking for granted, for you to change your lifestyle, for you to get in touch with your emotional self. There are a million reasons that your body is trying to get your attention and only you have the answer.
I once heard a story of a 98 year old woman who was starting to lose her eyesight. At first she was very upset, but then she realized that without her sight she could focus more clearly on her other senses. It helped her quiet her mind and listen more closely to god. Try to find the gift your body is giving you in your symptoms. Try to find what your body is teaching you.
– Laine Morales D.C., C.M.T
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